Synergy Fire Systems

Shaping the future of fire protection

Synergy Fire Systems

Powerful fire protection System

Special Application Fire Extinguishers

Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers

Our use of specialized fire extinguishers is ideal for three-hour protection against triangular fires. It consists of Class K materials for restaurant kitchens, Class D materials for various types of flammable metals, and Foams that can run on conventional fuels.

Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher (HFC236fa Based Portable Stored Pressure)

Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher (HFC236fa Based Portable Stored Pressure)

Regular Quality (RQ)

Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher (FE 36 Based Portable Stored Pressure)

Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher (FE 36 Based Portable Stored Pressure)

High Quality (HQ)

Clean Agent SS Body Fire Extinguisher (FE 36 Based Portable Stored Pressure)

Clean Agent SS Body Fire Extinguisher (FE 36 Based Portable Stored Pressure)

High Quality (HQ)